Physician productivity improvement is critical to the clinic success. Approached wrongly can set off a firestorm. Here is the one thing to do first.
The WEF says that productivity improvement will be the watchword of the next decade! Every HR professional should include flowcharting skills in their toolkit.
Team incentive programs can be essential in improving productivity. Here is a step-by-step demo in how to create one.
Team incentive plans can help an organization achieve unexpected results. Here is a 7 step guide to creating a win-win team incentive plan!
Team incentives are used infrequently in healthcare organizations, yet can be a valuable resource. The first of four posts explores their pros and cons.
Bonus, gainsharing and profit sharing are all different and achieve different results. Many organizations use the wrong plan for what they want to achieve.
How knowledgeable are you in how productivity is measured in a healthcare organization? 12 questions to determine if you understand
World Economic Forum predicts 75 million jobs lost to automation by 2022. However, they predict that 133 million jobs will be created for a net gain of 58 million jobs. They also state that productivity improvement will be the watchword of the next 5 years!
HR should "own" productivity management and reporting yet it rarely resides there. Who in your organization has more expertise in the effective utilization of human resources?
HR professionals need to understand how healthcare productivity is determined and managed. No other subject will provide a bigger payoff for the organization and the department!