Posts regarding the function, structure and purpose of the HR department. Primary focus is healthcare providers.
Healthcare employee recognition dates for managers and HR departments. Healthcare related awareness dates for marketing and communication professionals.
The most comprehensive list of 2022 Healthcare recognition dates. Recognize your healthcare professionals and coordinate your health wellness programs.
The WEF says that productivity improvement will be the watchword of the next decade! Every HR professional should include flowcharting skills in their toolkit.
It is not too early to start planning your recognition activities for 2021! Here is a listing of the major healthcare professional recognition dates for 2021.
Organizations may have a workforce split between on site or working from home. What impact will this have on culture? What are the responsibilities of HR?
Managing healthcare provider stress is more than counseling or providing an EAP. 7 concrete actions management can take to support healthcare providers.
Work-from-home will become much more common-even in the healthcare industry. Is HR positioned to support this work alternative? How should it be prepared?